Natural Wine For Spring

Region – Emilia-Romagna

Now that Summer is upon us, despite what feels like endless rain, we thought it time to put together a selection of natural wines fit for the Season. Light, bright, fresh, aromatic, heady and sensual: these are the bottles we reach for at this time of year.

Despina 2022

A nourishing, ever-reliable sparkling wine of real generosity. Aromatic Malvasia keeps things zesty and floral - almost hoppy - on the nose, with lime and grapefruit citrus fruits aplenty. Incredibly easy-drinking Emilia fizz. Find out more.

  • Region Montecchio Emilia, Emilia-Romagna, Italy
  • Grapes Malvasia di Candia
  • Vineyard Organic
  • Cellar Fermented with native yeasts, unfiltered & unfined, no additional sulphites


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Dinavolino 2021

An orange wine for those who love their aromas to come flying out of the glass - fragrant Malvasia pours on the heady floral charm and the altitude of the vines keeps things fresh and incredibly drinkable. Find out more.

  • Region Colli Piacentini, Emilia-Romagna, Italy
  • Grapes Malvasia di Candia Aromatica, Marsanne & Ortrugo
  • Vineyard Organic
  • Cellar Fermented with native yeasts, unfiltered & unfined, no additional sulphites

Cà de Noci
Sottobosco 2022

We've often likened this incredible Lambrusco-style sparkling red to a liquid summer pudding; there is the tart attack of forest fruits, but offset by a creamy, lactic element. As you'd hope from this style, the tannins grip keenly and there is an iron-y, sanguine quality to the dark wine. Find out more.

  • Region Quattro Castella, Emilia-Romagna, Italy
  • Grapes Lambrusco di Montericco, Malbo Gentile, Lambrusco Grasparossa & Sgavetta
  • Vineyard Organic
  • Cellar Fermented with native yeasts, unfiltered & unfined, no additional sulphites


Ferrando 2022

Fizz’ with bracing acidity, savoury spice and bitter herbs which make so much sense on a table alongside some cheese and charcuterie. ‘Ferrando’ is no exception - a beautiful sparkling rosato of Lambrusco Salamino. Find out more.

  • Region Montecchio Emilia, Emilia-Romagna, Italy
  • Grapes Lambrusco Salamino
  • Vineyard Organic
  • Cellar Fermented with native yeasts, unfiltered & unfined, minimal additional sulphites
