Pre-Christmas Delivery Deadlines... | Wayward Wines


Pre-Christmas Delivery Deadlines...

The cutoff for pre-Christmas delivery is fast-approaching! If you’re not calling by to see us at the shop we’d strongly recommend placing your orders online this weekend. Following advice from our heavily-laden courier, we have brought our deadline forward by one day:

Place your orders by midday Monday 19th December to ensure delivery before Christmas.

We will continue to ship any orders that come in until Thursday 22nd by midday, but we will not be able to guarantee that they will reach you in time for Christmas. Any orders placed after midday on the 21st will be rolled over and shipped on Wednesday 28th December. Full details on shipping dates for the rest of the month and the start of the new year can be found here.

If you’re in our Leeds Locals postcode zone and would like us to bring the wine to you, our last drops before Christmas are Monday 19th and Thursday 22nd.

Our Leeds shop is open 12-10pm Friday and 10am-10pm Saturday, then next week we are open 10am-10pm Monday-Friday for the last push!