Grape – Field Blend

The Jura is one of the smallest wine regions in all of France, located in the far East of France, sandwiched between Burgundy to the West and the Swiss boarder to the East. The region is characterised by its rich history, it’s mosaic of limestone and marl soils, traditional winemaking practices, native grape varieties and innovative winemakers. From powerful Savagnins & Chardonnays, to wild, bracing Poulsards, delicate Pinot Noirs and vibrant Trousseaus. The wines from the region are energy-charged and exciting. The region is full of winemakers exploring new and innovative methods whilst also respecting tradition.

The mention of the word ‘Jura’ often has lovers of natural wine clambering for the highly-sought after bottles produced by some of the most iconic winemakers; Pierre Overnoy, Emmanuel Houillon, Jean-François Ganervat, Phillipe & Tony Bornard, Julien Labet, Stéphane Tissot- to name just a few. Bottles produces by some of these makers are almost impossible to get your hands on these days, others we will get in tiny supply. So, keep your eyes peeled!

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Amélie Vuillet & Sébastien Jacques
Méli-Mélo 2021

Méli-Mélo, ‘hodgepodge’ in French, is a mix of a little bit of everything harvested in 2021. All the grapes come from varied terroirs in Montigny-lès-Arsures, Molamboz and Arbois. In this cooler vintage the wines are much more delicate and distinctly mineral. Find out more.

  • Region Molamboz, Jura
  • Grapes Poulsard , Pinot Noir, Trousseau, Gamay, Chardonnay, Savagnin & other ancient varieties
  • Vineyard Organic
  • Cellar Fermented with native yeasts, unfiltered & unfined, no additional sulphites