An ingenious multi-purpose beverage; sparkling Gamay juice infused with wild herbs, apple, lemon & ginger. The ideal bottle if you are abstaining, but equally the necessary tonic when the morning after requires restorative properties Find out more.
A little of the forthcoming 2023 vintage of this wine, bottled early around the time of Beaujolais Nouveau, just weeks after the harvest. It's lively, brisk refreshment - don't expect anything too sophisticated, this is simple, pure and delicious juice. Find out more.
RegionSaint-Germain-Nuelles, Beaujolais, France
GrapesGamay & Auxerrois
CellarFermented with native yeasts, unfiltered & unfined, no additional sulphites
A wild, savoury, spicy orange wine that makes us re-think everything we know about Beaujolais Blanc, full of savoury nutty notes of wheat, barley & spice Find out more.
RegionBeaujeu, Beaujolais, France
GrapesAligoté, Gamay & Pinot Noir
CellarFermented with native yeasts, unfiltered & unfined, no additional sulphites
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