The latest from Anders Frederik Steen & Anne Bruun Blauert | Wayward Wines


The latest from Anders Frederik Steen & Anne Bruun Blauert

Just in time for Christmas stockings and cellars, the latest releases from Anders Frederik Steen & Anne Bruun Blauert have arrived.

As many of you will know, the demand for these unique wines is huge and annual production is small - there is never a great deal to go around, making them highly prized. This time we are happy to be able to offer six new one-off cuvées; two are wines in the style Anders & Anne are more known for, four are exciting forays into the world of oxidative ageing, all from individual barrels that have been left to rest for anything between 2 to 4.5 years without being topped up. At this time of year these highly complex, stimulating wines are the perfect kind of thing to put on the table (ideally alongside cheeses) to round off a special meal.

Click through on each wine to read more about them and to place an order, or find them all in one place here.

As we always like to take a moment to highlight, the many of the wines are made using organic grapes grown by Gérald Oustric of Le Mazel in Valvignères, a real linchpin of the southerly Ardèche scene and actually one of the producers we ship to the UK directly as Wayward Imports. We urge you to try some Mazel wines if you haven't already - it is fascinating to see how grapes harvested from the same source can yield wines so wildly different in their finished state, all owing to the decisions of the winemaker in the vinification.

Some are made using fruit from the legendary Laurent Bannwarth in the Alsace, too. Another stellar source of fruit, to France's northeast.

Of course the wines follow a strict ethos of nothing added, nothing taken away. while they last, all six are available to order now, for nationwide delivery or to collect from our shop or warehouse.