The smart money is on Montevertine Rosso to offer a stunning expression of Sangiovese from this lauded Tuscan producer without completely breaking the bank. A perfect balance of power and delicacy. Find out more.
The entry point for this iconic Tuscan producer. Made using a little bit of Sangiovese, Canaiolo and Colorino from across all of their vineyard sites, it offers an exciting approximation of the estate. Pian del Ciampolo is released a year earlier than the other wines (Montevertine Rosso and the lauded Le Pergole Torte) and sees only one year in barrel before bottling. As such it has a bristling tannic structure, but all the deeply concentrated fruit and layers of texture you could hope for. 2021 was a warm year, reflected in the wine with a bit more richness and intensity, though still showing great balance and harmony. A great place to start to experience a taste of Montevertine.